Comprehensive Funeral Services & Advance Funeral Planning
When someone passes away, Andrew Gauld Independent Funeral Directors Ltd in Crieff, Perthshire, is here 24/7 to help out and care for people who are bereaved. We provide a variety of funeral services, including funeral planning.
Funeral Services
Our funeral services include a choice of coffin and hearse. We also bring the deceased into care for them while they are here. This involves makeup, hairstyling, and any other necessary tasks. Our fees include all staff needed to arrange the funeral and deal with any required funeral documentation.
Complimentary Funeral Bagpipes
As part of our funeral package, we provide complimentary bagpiping. Mrs. Gauld plays them, so we are happy to provide this service for any customers who may want the bagpipes played at their funeral.
Beauty & Aesthetics
Mrs. Gauld is also the only person in the area who is a qualified beauty aesthetician. This is a great benefit, since it means the makeup and hair provided to the deceased is of a very high quality.
Funeral Planning
If you are thinking ahead, let us help you with funeral pre-planning so everything is in place when you pass. This relieves your family and loved ones from the burden of trying to meet your wishes without being sure. However, only 10% of people currently have a funeral plan in place. We are also certified to sell Golden Charter™ funeral plans.